Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Lolly Joy and Puppy"

I would like to introduce you to my sweet 2 year old niece, Carra. Many of you may not know that my amazing wife not only takes care of our 15 month old daughter and 8 week old son, but she also watches Carra 5 days a week. Wow! Carra and Madelynn have become the best of friends and it is hilarious to watch them play, fight, laugh, and scream together. Needless to say, there is never a dull moment in the Oliver house.
Carra, like Madelynn, is full of personality and honestly almost never stops talking! This becomes a patience builder as well as a sweet reminder of her intelligence and personality. For some reason she has always called Maddie Joy, "Lolly Joy". This nickname for Madelynn has stuck and is her official name as far as Carra is concerned. Kelli and I often laugh as Carra calls for "Lolly Joy" or kisses "Lolly Joy" on the head and tells her "I lub you so much, Lolly Joy". No doubt these two will be best cousins for life.
As many of you know, we welcomed Nehemiah Taylor into this world in September. He is beginning to show some personality and has started smiling and cooing! I am so blessed. Madelynn first began calling her little brother "NehNehyaya", but soon found "Bubby" to be a little easier to say. She loves her brother and kisses him each chance she gets. Once day I was holding Nehemiah and said, "Daddy loves his little Bubby". Well, Carra walks up to us and kisses Nehemiah on the head and says, "I lub you Puppy". As sweet as that sounded, I attempted to correct her by repeating, "BuBuBuBubby" emphasizing the "B", but she in return over emphasized the "P" as she repeated "PuPuPuPuppy". So that's it, "Lolly Joy and Puppy" are the nicknames assigned to my children by my beautiful niece, Carra. Could she be any cuter? Like I said, "Never a dull moment".

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